The Dry Creek Historical Society and the Schick-Ostolasa Farmstead are supported solely by volunteers, donations and grants. We depend on our volunteers to help keep the Farmstead in top shape and to assist at our events.
Below are some areas where we welcome any support!
The DCHS has several committees, and we welcome your support! Look at the list and let us know if there's anything that may be of interest to you. Maybe you have an expertise and you're willing to share or have a few hours to assist. We have at least one board member who leads these committees and welcome any support.
Garden Committee
Do you have a green thumb? Enjoy working outside? This group oversees the maintenance of the gardens and the overall grounds of the farmstead. Includes, mowing, weeding, planting according to the historical guidelines provided, etc.
Board Member Lead: Jan McNamara
Buildings Committee
If you're handy this is a group for you! They work on the physical structures on the property including, fences, outbuildings, the Farmhouse, etc.
Board Member Lead: Frank Eld
Education Committee
We love our young historians and think you will too! They work on the 3rd grade curriculum and with BSD Social Studies Director.
Board Member Lead: Cheryl Cook
Events Committee
We have several types of events throughout the year. Your expertise and time are always welcome. Everything from Front Porch Concerts, Opening Day to our largest event, Old Time Farm Day.
Board Member Lead: Cyndi Elliot and Su Stearns
If interested, or have questions, please contact us at: drycreekhistory@gmail.com or call at 208-229-4006.
Hike Leaders Needed
We are looking for volunteers to lead the History Hikes that run May, June, September and October. You don't need to know the history of the area, Jay, our historian, will provide those details. If you love hiking in the foothills in the Dry Creek Area and are interested in accessing some areas that you wouldn't normally get to access (we have relationships with many of the private property owners who allow us to access their property), then let us know!
If interested, or have questions, please contact us at: drycreekhistory@gmail.com or call at 208-229-4006.

Docents Needed
We rely on volunteer docents for our Saturday Farmhouse Tours and our Third Grade Education Program. Trainings will begin soon! See below for details around these 2 volunteer opportunities:
Farmhouse Tours
The Farmhouse is open to the public each Saturday May 7 - September 24, 2022 (except holidays) from 12:30 - 4:30pm. You can volunteer as many or as few of these Saturdays that will fit into your schedule.
This opportunity entails opening the house and make it ready for the public by pulling up the shades and hang out! It's up to you how engaged you want to be with the people coming through the house as some people like to wander through on their own and others may ask some questions. We prepare you by giving you a handbook with the answers to likely questions that you may receive.
If you're interested please contact us at: drycreekhistory@gmail.com or call at 208-229-4006.
Third Grade Education Program
Interested in learning more about the Schick Ostolasa Farmstead and sharing what you learn with young student historians from the Boise schools?
The Dry Creek Historical Society has the perfect volunteer opportunity for you! The DCHS is looking for volunteers to help with their 3rd grade field trip program this fall at the Farmstead. You will receive a one hour walk through and training. A two hour commitment (9:45 A.M.-11:45A.M.) day of the field trip is required.
If you're interested please contact Cheryl at sofarmsteadfieldtrips@yahoo.com

General Volunteering
Whether you have a lot of time on your hands or only a little bit here and there we have many opportunities for everyone! Below details some ongoing support needs and general one-off support.
Below are some ongoing volunteer needs:
Organizing paperwork, liaison with Ada County, ISHS, SHPO, keeping track of insurance policies, agreements with HSTA, etc.
Docent / Volunteer Oversight
Work with the various committees/groups to identify volunteer needs. Track our list of volunteers and create outreach programs.
Grant Writing
Each year we win various grants which assists us in maintaining the Farmstead. We would welcome some assistance in finding the Grants and writing them.
Membership Support
Looking for someone to manage the membership. Do you have experience with non-profit membership software? Would love to hear from you!
Below are areas where we can always use a helping hand!
Bake Sales
Upkeep and Maintenance of the Farmstead (weeding, raking leaves,, etc.)

For any High School and College students who are looking for volunteer hours we are happy to assist in providing the necessary hours to complete your requirements.​
If you have other ideas where you feel you would fit that is not listed above we would love to hear from you! We put a call out via social media when we are in need of volunteers.
Please do contact us if you are interested:​ drycreekhistory@gmail.com, 208-229-4006